Emerald (Panna)

Emeralds are a variety of the mineral beryl, which is green in color due to trace amounts of chromium or vanadium. Emeralds can be found in many places around the world, such as Zambia, Columbia, Brazil, and Russia.
Emeralds are known for their natural inclusions and deep green color.  Astrologically, emeralds are linked with the planet Mercury.

  • Gemological Properties
  • Emerald Benefits
  • How to wear ?
  • Emerald Quality
  • Price
  • FAQs

Gemological Properties of Emerald

Chemical Composition

Emerald is a variety of beryl, which has the chemical formula Be₃Al₂(SiO₃)₆. The green color is primarily due to trace amounts of chromium (Cr) and sometimes vanadium (V).



On the Mohs scale, emerald is relatively hard, with a rating of 7.5 to 8. This makes it durable enough for use in jewelry, but it is more prone to chipping and scratching compared to diamonds.


Refractive Index

The refractive index of emerald ranges from 1.577 to 1.583, contributing to its brilliant sparkle. However, emeralds often have numerous inclusions and internal characteristics, which can affect clarity and brilliance.



Emeralds have a specific gravity or density ranging between 2.67 and 2.78. This property helps gemologists in identifying genuine emeralds and distinguishing them from synthetic counterparts or other green gems.



Emeralds possess a distinct basal cleavage, making them susceptible to breakage when struck. This characteristic necessitates careful handling and cutting by skilled gem cutters.


Optical Properties

Emeralds are known for their “jardin,” or internal garden of inclusions. While inclusions are generally considered flaws in other gemstones, the presence of these characteristics in emeralds can contribute to their uniqueness and authenticity. The stone’s color is highly valued, and the presence of inclusions does not detract significantly from its value, as it does with other gemstones.



Most emeralds undergo some form of treatment to enhance their appearance. Common treatments include oiling (with cedar oil or other substances) to fill in cracks and improve clarity, as well as resin filling and dyeing. These treatments are generally accepted within the industry, provided they are disclosed to the buyer.



Emeralds can show weak to moderate luminescence under ultraviolet (UV) light, but this property varies greatly among individual stones. Some may glow red or blue, depending on the nature of their inclusions and the type of UV light.

Benefit of Emerald Stone

According to Vedic astrology, emerald is associated with the planet Mercury, which is associated with wisdom, intelligence, communication, and quick decision-making.


It is believed that the effects of wearing an emerald begin within 45 days and last for up to 3 years.

Wearing an emerald, as per astrological beliefs, offers a wide range of benefits that impact both the personal and professional aspects of an individual’s life.


Creativity and Imagination

Emerald is considered a stone of inspiration and infinite patience. It is believed that the influence of Mercury enhances one’s creative abilities and imagination. Artists, writers, and musicians may find wearing an emerald boosts their innovative thinking and helps in the expression of their creative visions more vividly and effectively.


Financial Growth

In astrology, emerald is often associated with wealth and financial success. It is thought to positively influence business endeavors and career growth, leading to financial stability and prosperity. By wearing an emerald, individuals may experience improved decision-making skills, allowing for smarter investments and the discovery of new income opportunities. It’s seen as a magnet for professional success, attracting opportunities for upward mobility.


Mental Health

Emeralds are believed to have a calming effect on the mind, making them beneficial for individuals suffering from anxiety and depression. The stone’s soothing energies can help stabilize mood swings, promote, and improve emotional well-being. By fostering a sense of balance and tranquility, an emerald might aid in overcoming stress and mental disturbances, leading to a more peaceful and focused mind.


Physical Health

Apart from its mental and emotional benefits, wearing an emerald is also said to have positive effects on physical health. It is associated with healing properties that can aid in treating ailments related to the nervous system, eyesight, and blood circulation. Some believe that the gemstone can boost the immune system, helping the body to fight off illnesses more effectively.


Strengthened relationships

Emerald is considered auspicious for love and marriage. It is believed to nurture loyalty, unconditional love, and mutual understanding between partners. Couples wearing emeralds may find their relationship strengthened, with increased harmony and reduced conflicts. The stone’s positive vibrations are said to foster a peaceful and loving home environment, making it ideal for those seeking a stable and harmonious marital life.

How to Wear an Emerald According to Astrology

Emeralds are valued not just for their beauty but for their link to Mercury, enhancing communication and intellect. This brief guide shows how to wear an emerald for maximum astrological benefits.


Choosing the Right Hand and Finger

For astrological purposes, the emerald should be worn on the little finger. Men are advised to wear it on their right hand, while women should opt for the left. This placement is believed to directly channel Mercury’s energy, enhancing the wearer’s communication skills and mental clarity.


Preferred Metal for Setting the Emerald

The most beneficial metals for setting an emerald are gold and silver, with gold being the preferred choice for its ability to amplify the stone’s Mercury-related benefits. The right metal setting not only enhances the stone’s astrological impact but also ensures it complements the wearer’s energy field.


Auspicious Day and Time for Wearing Emerald

The perfect timing is on a Wednesday morning, specifically during the Shukla Paksha (waxing moon phase), before 12 PM. This aligns with Mercury’s day, ensuring the gemstone is attuned to its ruling planet’s energies.


Rituals Before Wearing an Emerald

Purification and energization are key before wearing an emerald. Cleanse the gemstone with pure water, Ganga Jal, and cow’s milk. On a Wednesday morning, offer prayers to Lord Buddha (Mercury), and recite the Budh mantra, “ॐ बुधाय नमः” (Om Budhaya Namah), 108 times. This ritual purifies the emerald, imbuing it with positive vibrations.


Optimal Weight of the Emerald

Astrologers recommend an emerald of at least 1.5 carats, though the exact weight can vary based on personal astrological charts. A general rule is 1 carat for every 12 kilograms of body weight, ensuring the stone’s influence is balanced with the wearer’s physique.


Forms of Wearing Emerald

Emeralds can be worn as rings, pendants, bracelets, or earrings, with rings and pendants being preferred for closer contact with the body’s energy channels. The form should be chosen based on personal preference and lifestyle.


Complementary Stones with emerald 

While emeralds can be powerful on their own, pairing them with compatible stones like diamonds or blue sapphires can amplify their effects. Consultation with an experienced astrologer is recommended to ensure compatibility and maximize benefits.


Energizing the Emerald

Periodically energizing your emerald ensures it continues to radiate positive energies. This can be done by exposing the gemstone to early morning sunlight for a short duration and chanting Mercury’s mantra. This practice keeps the stone’s vibrations aligned with the wearer’s intentions and astrological needs.

Economical Emeralds

Color: Lighter or uneven green color. The color may lack depth and saturation.
Clarity: Highly included, almost opaque. These inclusions can significantly affect the stone’s clarity and overall appearance.
Surface Texture: Adequate polish with some surface imperfections that are visible upon close inspection.


Average Quality Emeralds

Color: Medium green, possibly with some color zoning.The color may be less evenly distributed.
Clarity: Noticeable inclusions that might slightly affect transparency and brilliance. These inclusions are more apparent.
Surface Texture: Adequate polish with some surface imperfections that are visible upon close inspection.


Premium Quality Emerald

Color: Bright and rich green, though may not be as evenly distributed or as saturated as ultra-premium stones.
Clarity: Minor inclusions are visible but do not significantly impact the stone’s overall appearance.
Surface Texture: Generally smooth with good polish. Minor surface imperfections may be present but are not prominent.

Emerald stone price

In the Indian market, emerald stone prices start roughly around ₹600 per carat and can go up to ₹2 lakh per carat, depending on various factors. Exceptionally high-quality emeralds may even exceed ₹7-8 lakh per carat. Emeralds are categorized as Type 3 gemstones, which means they typically have natural inclusions. Finding an emerald that is completely free of inclusions, known as eye-clean, is extremely rare and such stones are highly prized.


Generally Colombian emeralds are more expensive than Zambian ones mainly due to their vibrant, bluish-green color, historical value, and rarity of high-quality stones with fewer inclusions.


The Rockefeller Emerald, an 18-carat Colombian emerald, is the world’s largest flawless emerald and the most expensive, valued at $5.5 million USD.


Factors influencing emerald stone prices


Color:(40%) : The primary factor determining an emerald’s value is its color, influenced by trace amounts of chromium or vanadium. The ideal shade should be vibrant and evenly distributed, neither too dark nor too light.


Clarity(20%): While almost all emeralds have some inclusions, those with fewer visible inclusions command higher prices. The type, size, and location of these inclusions can significantly affect the stone’s appearance and value.


Cut (15%): The cut of an emerald not only affects its beauty but also its durability. A well-cut emerald will showcase the stone’s color and minimize the visibility of inclusions, enhancing its overall value.


Carat Weight (15%): Larger emeralds are rarer and thus more expensive. The price per carat of emeralds increases significantly with size, especially for high-quality stones.


Origin(10%) : The origin of an emerald can also impact its price. Emeralds from Colombia are often the most valued due to their color and quality, followed by stones from Zambia, Brazil, and other locations.


These percentages are approximations and can vary based on the market and specific qualities of an individual emerald. The interplay between these factors ultimately determines the gemstone’s value in the market.

FAQs of Emerald

Why are emeralds green?

Emeralds are green because they have a little bit of chromium and sometimes vanadium in them. The amount of these elements decides how green the emerald will be.


How do I know if my emerald is real?

Real emeralds have small marks inside them and a deep green color. A Gemologist can check it out for you, or you can get tested from gemstone testing laboratory  when you buy one to be sure it’s real.


Can emeralds bring bad luck?

Nope, there’s no proof that emeralds can bring bad luck. Some people actually think they bring good vibes and luck!


How do I take care of my emerald?

Be gentle with it. Clean your emerald with soapy water and a soft brush, and keep it away from harsh stuff. Since it can scratch more easily than some other gems, keep it safe when you’re not wearing it.


Can I wear my emerald every day?

Yes, but be careful because they’re not as tough as diamonds. If you’re wearing it a lot, make sure it’s in a safe setting that protects it.


Does a bigger emerald mean it’s more powerful?

Some people think bigger stones have more energy, but the color, how clear it is, and your personal connection to the emerald matter a lot too.


Why do some emeralds look oily?

Some emeralds are filled with oil to make them look better by hiding cracks. It’s a common thing and doesn’t change what the emerald is like on the inside, but it means you should be a bit careful cleaning it.


Emeralds vs. Diamonds: What’s the difference?

Emeralds are softer and can scratch easier than diamonds. Diamonds are super tough. But emeralds are loved for their beautiful green color, just like diamonds are loved for their sparkle.


What’s good about wearing an emerald?

Wearing an emerald is said to make your mind clearer, help you talk better, and get along well with others. They’re linked to the planet Mercury, making them extra special for people born under Gemini or Virgo.


Do emeralds lose their color?

If you leave an emerald in the sun too much or get it too hot, it might lose some of its green color. So, keep it cool and out of direct sunlight for too long.

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